Letter of support for the Orquesta de Extremadura

To the attention of the President of the

Comunidad de Extremadura, Spain

Dear Mr. President,

I, the undersigned, am writing to you with the purpose of expressing my absolute opposition to the plans your administration has about changing the job status of the members of the Orquesta de Extremadura, and to the possible termination of its activities. The orchestra is without any doubt one of the two fundamental pillars of the culture in your community, together with the Festival of Classical Theatre of Mérida. Its disappearance or a considerable reduction in the working conditions of its personnel would mean an irrecoverable step backward, after more than 20 years of artistic development of this region.

For those reasons, I urge you to reconsider your decision concerning this problem, and to make sure all the necessary efforts will be used to remedy the situation, through new channels of dialogue, which would lead to finding a satisfying solution for the interests of all parties involved. It is all the more important in these times when the global economic crisis is directly affecting the living standards of millions of people, targeting especially the health care, the education and the culture.

Thank you for your attention

Yours faithfully


Una respuesta a Letter of support for the Orquesta de Extremadura

  1. glanderclarinet@t-online.de dijo:

    Ich unterstütze ausdrücklich die Aktion zur Rettung des Orquesta de Extremadura.

    Matthias Glander
    Solo Clarinettist
    Staatskapelle Berlin
    Staatsoper Berlin

    Professor an der
    Academia de Estudios Orquestale

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